Friday, May 29, 2009


Alright, i am creating a band with my friend, and I have the album cover, band name, everything.
Band Name: Grae Paraed (Pronounced Grey Parade)
Bassist: Got it
Guitarist: Me
Vocals: Me sometimes
Percussionist: Have!
Drums: nope, not yet, must use keyboard for now.
Once we get this started, which should be fall, I'll put up a youtube, and put my songs on it.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I have 1 minute

pardon the fast typing n stuff, but I need to do this fast. alright, so i take guitar, right? well I found an epiphone les paul for 130$ wow! I plan to get it tat the end of the summer, next post, I'll give yall URL's to super deals! no joke! there IS a such thing!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

It's sunday, and I'm feelin' alright!

Been a while since my last post, I know, but I have a life outside the internet, so yeah. I'm listening to Buckethead's (Brian Carroll's) album titled "Colma" Filled with emotional and soothing songs.
How are you all? well, I'm doing fine, I learned how to play pinball wizard by "The Who" not "The guess who" the actual "The Who" So once I have a useable camera, I'll teach you all how to play, along with some riffs i made.

Live long and Prosper

(Hech yeah, I just saw Star trek, and it was good! [I'm not a trekky{so don't say I am.}])

Friday, May 8, 2009

Hai thar!

Back again, cookie breaks are good yumminess.
Well, anyways, in this post, I night as well talk about the music I listen to, so you can get a image of what i look like musically.
I like alternate, alternate rock, soft rock, little bit of pop, some of 70's 80's and 90's, easy listening, soft, rock, and techno.
I don't really like rap that much, I'm not saying this to have a war, I just don't think there's not enough juice and flavor to it. HOWEVER, if you like rap, please comment and tell me why. I love to here other peoples opinions!
Anyway, I listen to daft punk, a little bit of goldfinger, of montreal, and some classic stuff (Like led zeppelin, elvis, and sometimes just songs that are singles, such as "Hotel California")
As for country, I'm no cowboy there, I'll listen and tolerate it almost any time, but I especially like it when the mood is right, such as going down a highway full of nothing but wheat fields. That just warms up my soul when the mood is just right, like the radio tuned perfectly, no fuzz. Ah, music is so peaceful.

Keep rockin' out!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Oh, hello again!

Imma back from mah sandvich break. O.K. Time to get things a rollin'. Currently, I am just talking to myself, for now, is fun, but if there is a distant vuewer interested and holds the same passion for music that I do, than that makes me happy. Anyway, I will mak some videos and post 'em up soon. I might even link my secret comedy youtube to here. But this isall starting, so expect this taking off in about 2 weeks, maybe? I dunno. I am between 14 and 18 years old, so I need a cookie break to think of something.

Play on,

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Welcome, music lover!

Hi, there. I am a starting musician. I have lots planned, I am starting several bands, and posting my music here, but it's not just for me, comment on any of my posts telling what musical inspiration YOU have! even post up a website of you lashing out your musical whip! In fact, just tell me to post your website, and it'll be done! So have fun!